
Showing posts from November, 2020

How To Use A/B Testing For Your Business Benefit

                 A/B Testing offers an in depth way of discovering the successes and failures of a business's marketing campaign. Although driving traffic is still important, user experience is imperative to maintaining not only the traffic, but also keeping a consistent conversion through the short and long term. The best way to maximize the benefits of the testing program are to US to help YOU!  With a structured A/B testing program, your marketing campaign can increase profits by pinpointing the most problematic parts in order to adjust for optimization. A/B Testing is lead with researching the background information of how your campaign is currently performing through quantifying metrics on a third party site, such as Google Analytics. Next, you must observe and create a predicted plan to lead direction as you analyze the data to draw insights on the impact of the campaign. After you have all the background information and data ...

How to Attract Gen Z Grads: A Guide

As college students prepare to leave the campuses they've called home for the last four years, they're looking towards the next stages of life, finding a career. Recruitment season for businesses is a vital time to present the "grand plan" onboarding strategy. I'm going to give you a sneak peak into three tips of my Gen-Z Guidebook for snagging a good new-hire. Disclaimer, I am not an expert in this field, I am merely expressing the viewpoints of a soon-to-be college grad in the same position.  For recent grads, leaving the community and friends they've grown to see as family can be a tough transition. As the job searching process begins for many, they're looking to the companies who have good culture and value the work-life balance. They're searching for coworkers who turn into friends and foster the same relationships they learned to make at college when they were the newbies on campus four years ago.  I think every business can agree that finding a ...