A Guide to Taking Care of Yourself During Uncertainty

There's no road map for a pandemic and COVID-19 is no exception. One week you're on a college spring break trip with your best friends and the next you're being sent home for the rest of the year. This year has not been easy by any means, but obstacles are temporary. It's important to acknowledge the mental and physical health are equally important during the uncertain times we're faced to stay sane and optimistic for the future ahead.

Even though fitness centers and gyms may be closed down for some, it doesn't mean exercise can no longer be used as an outlet for the stress and anxiety built up. Staying active is a valuable asset in keeping your immunity strong and frustrations at outside factors expelled. Staying active can be anything from going on a walk, completing a short Youtube workout, or practicing yoga. Finding creative ways to get moving and maintaining your strength is a great way to keep your daily routine or start one up. 

Though physical health is important, taking care of your mental health is just as needed. When balanced, your overall wellbeing will thrive. Mental health is sometimes a topic that is shunned from discussing as a casual conversation, but this should not be tucked away inside. Although everyone may cope differently through a pandemic, checking in with yourself and your friends is an extremely necessary measure during a time where depression, stress, and anxiety can be common. 

During quarantine, I found the alone time to be a perfect way to finally sit down without distractions and hold myself accountable to moving forward with progress. Having a checklist of long term and short-term goals to accomplish was very beneficial to guide myself through the little tasks that needed to be completed to check the official box of one of my long-term goals. Overall, COVID-19 was not a foreseeable roadblock, but it doesn't have to stop you from creating progress for yourself and your checklist! What did YOU do during quarantine?

